BioneticsUpgraded the software for their medical biofeedback equipment to .NET 4.5. Rebuilt their web page to include eCommerce and online software registration. | CovenantCreated a custom WordPress site in PHP5 that incorporated eCommerce and web hosting management for a Christian web hosting company. | CVSIncProvided updating and servicing of a property management utility with PHP5 and Javascript inside the Zend Framework in addition, apache server setup and maintenance was required. |
Spectra VisionFull lifecycle windows development in C++ requiring specialized communications with custom medical hardware. | HP CV EVACustom software installation tool written in C++ and C# that communicated with mass storage devices. | Los AlamosReplaced a series of spreadsheets with a PHP4 website, database, and GIS tools. |
Hypno-FilesRebuilt website content delivery system in PHP4 and JavaScript with updated eCommerce tools that included increased security measures. | Charles SchwabModified existing Windows portfolio management tools in C++ for better internet support. | PentaxRedesigned existing website using HTML, Java and Sybase. |